In the cylinder decodes for you!
To make a cylinder cipher you need long strip of paper and cylinder.
Wrap the paper around the cylinder so there are no parts of the cylinder showing.
You can temporarily tape down the edges to help you with this part. write your message across the cylinder (write 1 or 2 letters on each part of the strip)
Then unwrap the paper from the cylinder.
You can't decode the cipher unless you have a cylinder the same diameter as the one it was made on.
To make a cylinder cipher you need long strip of paper and cylinder.
Wrap the paper around the cylinder so there are no parts of the cylinder showing.
You can temporarily tape down the edges to help you with this part. write your message across the cylinder (write 1 or 2 letters on each part of the strip)
Then unwrap the paper from the cylinder.
You can't decode the cipher unless you have a cylinder the same diameter as the one it was made on.