Polyalphabetic Cipher
As Ciphers got more advanced people came up with ways to make decoding a message harder. The Polyalphabetic Cipher uses the Rot Cipher and a Key Word and A1Z26.
1. Pick out a keyword. The longer it is, the more secure you code will be. I will be using "code" as my key word for this example.
2. Use A1Z26 to encode your key word. "Code" would become "3-15-4-5"
3. Write your message with the key underneath, like this... b e s t c o d e s i s a w e s o m e
3-15-4-5-3-15-4-5-3 15-4 5-3-15-4-5-3-15
4. Shift each letter in the plain text by the number below it. e t w y f d h j v x w f z t w t p t
bestcodes is awesome = etwyfdhjv xw fztwtpt
5. To decode just use the key word and do the opposite of how you encode.
1. Pick out a keyword. The longer it is, the more secure you code will be. I will be using "code" as my key word for this example.
2. Use A1Z26 to encode your key word. "Code" would become "3-15-4-5"
3. Write your message with the key underneath, like this... b e s t c o d e s i s a w e s o m e
3-15-4-5-3-15-4-5-3 15-4 5-3-15-4-5-3-15
4. Shift each letter in the plain text by the number below it. e t w y f d h j v x w f z t w t p t
bestcodes is awesome = etwyfdhjv xw fztwtpt
5. To decode just use the key word and do the opposite of how you encode.